Money helps us with the costs of food, shelter, clothes, medical emergencies, and school fees for the children we care for. You put in a lot of effort, and it's an extra bonus if you can help a worthy youngster with his or her livelihood. We can't assist everyone, but we can all help someone who is in need.

Every rupee you provide enables a youngster to feel better, eat better, and learn more effectively. Few of us can physically assist them, yet the majority of people are surrounded by a frenetic lifestyle. You may always help by giving us a donation, no matter how small it is. A big ocean is made up of many little droplets of water.

You may make a difference by donating with small amount as much as you can.

It helps us for
  • Medical Checkup
  • Clothing
  • Recreation
  • Paying school fee
  • Providing nutritious food
  • Accommodation